Andrea Armeni
Andrea Armeni is Associate Clinical Professor of Social Finance and Public Service and
Director of Social Impact, Innovation & Investment at NYU’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. He teaches numerous courses including Social Impact Investment, Corporate Finance & Public Policy, and The Intersection of Finance and Social Justice, which received the 2021 Award of Excellence from the Financial Times and the Impact Finance Faculty
Consortium. He leads the interdisciplinary practicum of NYU Wagner and NYU Stern Business
students in the development of a student-operated Impact Investment Fund.
At NYU Wagner, Professor Armeni also leads the Social Innovation & Investment Initiative,
created by Professor Scott Taitel, which serves as a central hub and incubator in the field of
social finance bringing together policymakers, philanthropists, finance professionals, nonprofits
and foundations to collaboratively strengthen the growing field. The Initiative has received
funding from the Ford Foundation, Michael & Susan Dell Foundation and the W.K. Kellogg
Professor Armeni is also the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Transform Finance, a non-
profit research, education, and implementation partner that supports investors and social
change actors to challenge legacy investment approaches, seed transformative investment
models, and build movement power. At Transform Finance, Professor Armeni has spent the last
decade exploring how capital can be made more just and equitable and how social change can
be achieved both in and through finance. His current research focuses on distributed
governance mechanisms at the enterprise level as a fairer alternative to shareholder primacy.
He is the co-author, most recently, of “Grassroots Community Engaged Investment:
Redistributing power over investment processes as the key to fostering equitable outcomes”
and “Addressing Capital's Effects on Racial Justice: How investments drive injustice and what
investors can do about it.”
Andrea holds a B.A. in analytic philosophy from Columbia University and a Juris Doctor from the
Yale Law School.